
ITH Bolting Technology

ITH stands for Industrie-Technische Konstruktionen Hohmann and was founded in 1979 by Hans Hohmann at today's headquarters in Meschede Germany. The first product developed and marketed was a bolt-tensioning cylinder (BTC) working on this principle: the ITH Stretch Method (hydraulic, friction- free and torsion-free tensioning of bolts by hydraulic stretching of the bolt). With its high-accuracy (± 2,5 %), the bolt-tensioning cylinder is still one of the most accurate tools on the market for tightening large fasteners.


ITH is the world's leading system supplier in screwdriving equipment. ITH's range of services includes the development, production and sale of hydraulic, pneumatic and electric bolting tools tools for tightening and loosening industrial screw connections from M16 (3/8'') upwards. As a complete system supplier, ITH also offers standard and special fasteners, unique engineering expertise and comprehensive service.


ITH GmbH & Co. KG
Steinwiese 8
Postbox 1365
59872 Meschede

Phone: + 49 (0) 291 - 99 62 555
Fax: + 49 (0) 291 - 996211

ITH Schraubtechnik Headquater


ITH Schraubtechnik Headquater